Monday, March 09, 2009


Has anyone gone to ANY sports store these days? I was in one with my mother the a few days agp and went by the gun section. OMG!

Here is a perfect example of how people think of whats going on with the government.

I told my mom to hold on that I wanted to check out (just to see) what new guns had come out lately.

They only had about four handguns left on the rack. While I was standing there waiting to ask the salesman what had happened to all the guns, I overheard another man asking where are the 45 cal. bullets. The lady says that we only have about two boxes left.

I asked her where it all was and she said that they can't keep the stores stocked enough. The very same day they have TWO truck loads of ammo arrive that night it is bought out.

Take heart folks. The government isn't pulling one over on us. We can see what is going on and are stocking up to protect ourselves.

I truly don't think that the government will actually knock on our doors and say GIVE ME YOUR WEAPONS but I do believe that they will wait for some event. Like another hurricane, or some civil unrest to tell us that they are going to have to take away our guns to PROTECT US.

Hey bull Crap guys.

I'm from TEXAS! We believe in taking care of our own. Please stock up guys. Soon the guys from Washington won't take away our guns, they will take away our ammo. That way they can say we still have the right to have them but we just can't shoot them.

I didn't believe talk show people on the guns until I accidentally saw this for myself. It was a real eye opener.

It ain't going to be pretty when we are like we used to be. Like in the Western days when the sheriff would say you have to put your guns at my office while you are in this town. Only difference is that he won't give them back when you leave.

Remember it is our right to hold and bear arms. And if you are from Texas you can even carry under certain conditions. Use your rights. But don't do something stupid and get ours taken away from us.


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