Saturday, March 07, 2009


So why does the democratic (or socialist party, as I like to call it) so interested in what radio host Rush Limbaugh has to say?

Could it be because this man is one of only about four people in talk radio that is telling the world the way it is? Ok I will play devils advocate for a minute. He is unhappy with the fact that we now have a Democrat (Socialist party) in office. But I do believe one thing and that is that he does respect the office of the President of the United States and whom ever has that position.

He is only unhappy with the way Mr. O is taking away our rights (almost daily) and turning this country into another Venezuela. I am worried that within another year we won't be any different they they are now. The people who put this man in office are going to be so shocked.

Why is it that the party that is now in TOTAL control of our money, treasury, medical, oh and military so worried about one man. They constantly try and say how no one of any importance really listens to this man. They say how he now represents the Republicans.

I am just going to guess on this one. And my guess would be that if they had nothing to hide it would make no difference that Rush was using his Constitutional right to free speech to say whatever he wanted to say.

Why is it that we are now having to pay so much attention to Rush? Do they ever ask themselves that question?

Oh and one more thing. Does anyone remember that we live by the Constitution of the United States? Does anyone up in Washington even know what it says in those documents?

They did after all swear to uphold it when they were put into office.

Why can't we live under the papers that made us the country that we are. Why can't they listen to the people that put them into office anymore?


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