Saturday, November 06, 2004

Canada Oh Come on?

I see that the next thing going on since the democrats didn't get their way with America is for Amercians to get ready, read up on, and go to Canada.

Oh come on guys. That's bull s_it. You and I both know that it's too damn cold there and those people talk funny. Putting all that aside.

You and I both know that America does have it's problems, (hell so does Canada) but it's still the best damn country around. Yes our leaders (old and new ones) need to get a grip on what life is about for us normal people. Maybe two ways would be for them to get OUR social security, and the other is for them to have to obey their laws that they put on us.

Amercia is still the best place to live in the world. Maybe we didn't get another president like some of us might have wanted but at least we have the right to VOTE for whomever we want and then we have the right to bitch about it if our guy or girl dosn't win. I've lived in countries that don't allow either one of those.



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