Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama Crazyness

Can anyone believe this new president?
He says he won't sign any bill for 5 days. (Then breaks his own rule)
Says he won't hire any lobbyist's in his cabinet. (Then breaks that rule too)

He says he won't take away our gun rights and then decides to bring in a bill to take away our ammo.

He says that he wants to get America on a Medical plan that we can all deal with. Then he puts in socialized medicine. It's in his bill. If you read it.

He puts through the Stimulus Plan that has several thousand pages and never lets (Not One) person take the time (or their aids) to read the entire document before it was voted on.

So how is it that every other person on this earth thinks that he is a god like person. Or at least has the followers of almost any rock and roller band. Just listen to his huge clapping before he starts talking.

It seems to me that these people that spent so much time trying to get him put in office now have nothing to do but walk around and constantly tell us not to critique or read too much into what he comes up with.

Hey wake up Americans. We won't get this chance twice.

His policies aren't going into effect until the last year of his presidency. That way he can say my opponent says he is going to take this away from you but as you can see I am going to make it easier on you if you vote me BACK into office.

Our county wasn't built on handouts. Put your hands back into your pockets America and get some back bone and get YOURSELF out of your mess. Sorry if you bought a house that you can't afford but honestly that isn't my problem.

If my company goes under is the government coming to our side. I DON'T THINK SO>