Sunday, December 28, 2008

Global Warming BS

Has anyone but me noticed that we are going through one of the most serious times when it comes to the Transforming, insane lies about global warming?

I read all the time about this stuff. First of all the poles are doing what they naturally do on their own. Its worst time of all was before the cars and america's industrialized time even started.

If we are to believe that we are destroying the earth (and don't get me wrong. We are leaving a mark) then why are the only people who are pushing this down our throats, making a killing (excuse the pun) off it.

Yes that's right. Lets take on General Electric. They own most of the world and they are the ones pushing Cap and Trade on us. Hey can you say no more industry anywhere in the world if they get their way?

The other and most of all hypocrite is Al Gore. Ok I know he had the election thing going on and we feel sorry for him but come on people.

This man has made so much money pushing a lie on us that he has started his own hedge fund. Yes you remember hedge funds right? Yea those are the people who gambled away your retirement account, and make the stock market go stupidly way down.

Let me know how you feel