Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Birthday card blues

Has anyone ever made the mistake of breaking up with someone? Well I did once in my life. While sitting in front of my computer the other night. I heard a Celine Dion song. It just so happens that she was the one person who could understand and have deep thought enough in her songs to relate to our relationship. We used to sing her songs so loud and long that it would make us horse. We would go out and have dinner or shop at the local store and hear her songs on the speaker. As we walked we would sing as loud as we could. Almost like proclaiming our joy of being together and to show everyone around us how happy we were.

Well like most people life interuped our total happiness. And the floor fell out from under us. The pain was so that we couldn't even talk for two years.

After hearing one of our songs I decided that I would send her a card and say hi. It just so happens that it was near her birthday so I thought that hey I would be different and send her a birthday card every day for a week, and then an extra special one on the very day.

Let me tell you that it's not always a good idea to be nice. Nice can be turned around to become such an ugly thing. Nice can be told to go f..k yourself. Can be thrown back to be so black that you can't see light any more.

The moral of the story don't try and be nice it dosn't make the other person feel better. Only more bitter, dredge up more bad thoughts and hurt. I guess we should learn from our mistakes but sometimes I guess we should try and forget the pain and just see the thought of giving.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Canada Oh Come on?

I see that the next thing going on since the democrats didn't get their way with America is for Amercians to get ready, read up on, and go to Canada.

Oh come on guys. That's bull s_it. You and I both know that it's too damn cold there and those people talk funny. Putting all that aside.

You and I both know that America does have it's problems, (hell so does Canada) but it's still the best damn country around. Yes our leaders (old and new ones) need to get a grip on what life is about for us normal people. Maybe two ways would be for them to get OUR social security, and the other is for them to have to obey their laws that they put on us.

Amercia is still the best place to live in the world. Maybe we didn't get another president like some of us might have wanted but at least we have the right to VOTE for whomever we want and then we have the right to bitch about it if our guy or girl dosn't win. I've lived in countries that don't allow either one of those.


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Concern

I sat up all night wondering how the election was going to turn out. Did anyone else have this problem.
I was online blogging until late last night. I could not believe how mean hearted everyone was. How much the country was so divided on each of the canditates.
Can someone tell me what the half of America that didn't win the election last night is going to have to bitch about once this is over? We are so angry that are we going to freak if our person dosn't win?